Not for the Faint of Heart

Spring break has come and gone. One intended project was posting the nearly fifty back logged recipes from the past year of Keto experiments... Fail. But now that I've returned home, it's gearing up for work and March MADNESS!
Last night I stared down two sweet potatoes and had an idea: Pinch of Yum's chili! After I rummaged through the freezer and pantry, substitutes were made. The result had me texting Casey. If she still lived two doors down, I would have just walked over with it. She loves spicy things too - and I warn you, this chili IS spicy. It led to some unorthodox additions (see recipe notes). Still, I love it so much that I'm posting it and checking the blog off the spring break project list.
1 T olive oil
1/2 red onion
1 tsp onion powder
1 lb ground whatever (I happened to have pork in the freezer.)
Four small cloves of garlic minced
1/2 red bell pepper
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp cumin
1 T tsp chili powder
1 tsp white pepper
1 tsp seasoned salt
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp mustard seed
1 tsp black pepper
2 cups of chicken broth
15 oz. can of Rotel
Two peeled, chopped, and cubed sweet potatoes
15 oz. of black beans, drained and rinsed
1 T apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup milk (wait, what?)
1 T brown sugar
1 T of peach preserves (HUH?)
~ Sauté onion in olive oil until almost browning.
~ Add ground meat until browned.
~ Right before it's browned, add garlic, bell pepper, and ALL spices.
(Can you tell I just opened the spice drawer and had at it?)
~ When meat is all browned, push all to one side and pour in chicken broth to deglaze the browned bits on bottom of pot.
~ Once all browned bits are absorbed and worked in, add can of Rotel and sweet potatoes.
~ Simmer until sweet potatoes are cooked through (about 12 minutes).
~ Mash with potato masher - breaks up tomatoes and sweet potatoes which thickens the chili.
~ Add black beans and apple cider vinegar - At this point, I tasted it, and sweat glands immediately swelled under my eyes. . . HENCE:
~ Add 1/4 cup of milk, 1 T of brown sugar, and then - cause why not peaches at this point? - peach preserves.
~ Simmer for five more minutes to let all flavors come together.
~ Serve with green onion, cheese, sour cream, Doritos if you're Casey. . .
~ But it's best the next day... Like this morning when I added it to my sprouted wheat toast and egg!

Cause why wouldn't you?
It was like a hash, but in reverse.
So many recipes to blog still. Perhaps I'll make it an April assignment - a recipe a day?
Recipes coming forth with:
~ Keto Beef with Broccoli
~ Coconut Flour Waffles
~ Sprouted Wheat Bread
~ Quiche Muffins
~ Spatchcocked! Chicken
~ All things cauliflower. . . so many uses. . .
~ All ways I cook and LOVE eggs!
~ So many tales of low carb life and why I'm all about moderation not obliteration.